Tech that Can Help your Customer Engagement

Tech that Can Help your Customer Engagement
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It could be that you want to keep your customers engaged but are simply struggling for the time.  Luckily, there has been lots of developments in the tech world that will help you keep your customers up to date with less effort than before.  Here, we have listed some tech that could help improve your customer engagement.


Social media is something that we know we have to do, but sometimes it can be difficult to make the time.  That’s where scheduling in your social media activity comes in.  if you are planning on going on holiday or taking some time off, then you will still want to ensure that you are communicating with your clients.  Hootsuite will allow you to schedule your social media posts on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter in advance, so you don’t need to worry about doing this in real-time.  There are also free versions – so you don’t need to worry about monthly outgoings.


Trello is a fantastic CRM software.  Many people use it for managing teams – but also perfect for client relationship management too. If you are working with a client on a big project, Trello allows you to add tasks, set deadlines – assign things to certain individuals and mark complete as soon as something has been done.  This gives the client a real-time view as to what you are doing and gives them the functionality to communicate with you and members of your team all via one platform.

Email Software

Email marketing and communication is typically a bit part of a business’s ongoing strategy.  With the right email software – you can make sure that you are still emailing them at the right times even if you are out of office or on holiday.  There are great analytics available that allows you to see which times are best to send emails, which clients have opened them – and what links they have clicked through if any.  There are lots of options out there, but a SendGrid alternative may be the best way to go.  Make sure you split test your emails for the best results.


Salesforce is a fantastic technology partner for any business that wants to engage with their customers on a regular basis.  They have created a solution for every type of business including non-profit organizations.  There are packages to suit every kind of budget, however, they allow you to create a customer profile with ease where you can see when they have messaged in, their history and who has been dealing with it.  They also allow you to pull in from multiple sources.  So, you can receive info from email, social media and other platforms.  This means that you can communicate without a hitch.

If you run a business and want to ensure that you can engage with your customers and reach them at all levels – then some of these tech solutions may definitely be worth looking at.

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