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Floral Park-Bellerose adopts new mission statement

At its April 12 meeting, the Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District’s Board of Education officially adopted a new mission statement, as well as a series of 11 belief statements.

The mission statement reads: “FPBSD is committed to fostering a safe learning environment that promotes social-emotional, physical and intellectual growth where students use their creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills to be successful, kind and compassionate members of a global society. Students will be prepared for their future while embracing their individuality with an eagerness to face challenges. Through open, on-going communication, we strive to have our parents, teachers and community members actively involved in developing the whole child.”

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The belief statements can be viewed on the district’s website at:

“Our Mission-Vision-Goals Committee has worked hard the last three months at developing our mission statement and a set of core beliefs for the Floral Park-Bellerose Schools community,” Superintendent Michael Dantona said. “We are excited about how our community’s core beliefs will guide our distict for a generation.”

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