2023 Manhasset Chamber of Commerce poster contest winners

2023 Manhasset Chamber of Commerce poster contest winners
Pictured above are all the winners holding up their artwork with poster contest chairperson Nancy Morris from Nancy Morris State Farm Matthew Donno, chamber co-president. (Photo provided by the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce)

The annual Manhasset Chamber of Commerce poster contest was held on Dec. 1 as part of the tree-lighting festivities at Mary Jane Davies Park.

Each year, students in grades K-6  at the Shelter Rock, Munsey Park and St. Mary’s schools are invited to enter their artwork based on a particular theme.

This year’s theme was “Tis the Most Wonderful Town of the Year.” Posters are judged by the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce and each grade is awarded a winner in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

From that grouping, six grand finalists are chosen and  their creations showcased on the chamber of commerce’s website.

The public is invited to vote for the winner by going on to the chamber’s website @www.manhassetchamber.com to cast their vote.  The winner is announced at the Chamber’s Installation luncheon held in January.

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