Old Westbury gardens trip

Old Westbury gardens trip
The Port Washington Adult Activities Center is organizing a trip for June 16 to the Old Westbury Gardens. (Photo courtesy of Debbie Greco)

Spring is the perfect time of year to visit Old Westbury Gardens.

The Port Washington Adult Activities Center is organizing a trip for June 16 to this historic mansion and beautiful grounds that boast a multitude of plants and trees in its gardens. The trip features a tour of the John Phipps estate and gardens. Following the tour, the group will enjoy lunch in Café in the Woods.

The cost of the bus ride, tours of the Mansion and Gardens and lunch in the Café is $35 per person.

The bus departs from the Port Washington Adult Activities Center located at 80 Manorhaven Blvd. at 10 a.m. sharp.

Reservations and payment must be made in person at the Adult Activities Center, which is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Feel free to call the center at (516) 883-6656 with any questions about this trip or to learn more about the many activities offered.

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