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Roslyn Board of Education approves bids for high school reconstruction

The Roslyn Board of Education proposed a new draft of the 2024-2025 budget Thursday. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

The Roslyn Board of Education convened Friday morning to approve bids for reconstruction projects at Roslyn High School.

The meeting, which was held at 8 a.m. was sparsely attended and lasted for less than 10 minutes.

During that time, the board approved the bid for the athletic field reconstruction at Roslyn High School to The LandTek Group, Inc.

The base bid amount totals $2,444,000. An allowance of $50,000 is attributed for additional work required, and $30,000 is allotted for repairing the running track.

The board also approved the bid from Hinck Electrical Contractor Inc. for the lighting reconstruction at the high school.

The total base bid amount is $835,000, including an electrical construction allowance of $15,000 for additional work required and a $20,000 allowance for electrical services.

Both bids are subject to the terms of an agreement that will be prepared by the district’s counsel.

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The reconstruction projects include, but are not limited to, replacing the high school track, new football field turf, perimeter fencing around the track, installing a pathway from the press box down to the track, a new pole vault and steeplechase, replacing the long jump and triple jump pits and exterior lighting around the track and the football field.

Construction is projected to begin June 1 and conclude by the start of school in the fall, according to Cynthia Younker, director of community relations and adult education.

The total costs for the athletic field reconstruction amount to almost $3.3 million.

The board also approved capital budget transfers to unallocated budget field work for a total of $4.1 million. These funds came from the unallocated capital reserves from 2015 and 2017.

The board then approved the $4.1 million amount for unallocated budget field work to be transferred to other projects.

This included $125,000 for abatement and air sampling for six English classrooms at the high school, and nearly $4 million for field and classroom renovations at the high school.

The Roslyn Board of Education will convene again on March 23.

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