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public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Flower Hill



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Flower Hill will be held on the 11th day of April, 2018 at 7:00 P. M. at the Village Hall, One Bonnie Heights Road, for the purpose of considering the following:

Application of Two Middle Neck Realty d/b/a Bryant & Cooper Restaurant, 2 Middleneck Road, Roslyn, NY 11576 also known as Section 6, Block B5, Lots 114, 215 on the Nassau County Land & Tax Map for variances of §240-5 & 240-15(D)(2)(a), (D)(2)(b),(E)(1) and (E)(3) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill.  The applicant proposes to maintain  driveway curbcuts in excess of the allowed 14 feet; maintain a planted front yard of 5 feet where 20 feet is the minimum required; maintain side yards of 3.5 and 5 feet without the required 5 foot planted buffer area where the minimum required is 20 feet; maintain parking spaces measuring 8 x 18 feet where the minimum required is 10 x 20 feet; create handicapped parking by reducing the number of available parking spaces from 38 to 37 on site and maintain 9 spaces at an adjacent property (BOT decision 3/7/11) where the minimum number of spaces required is 83.

Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals

Michael Sahn, Chairperson

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Ronnie Shatzkamer,

Village Administrator

Flower Hill, New York

Dated: April 6, 2018

MT #148136

1x 04/06/2018


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