STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, Williston Times, USPS 685100, filing date September 30, 2022.†Issue frequency: Weekly. No. of issues published annually: 52. Annual subscription: $50. Mailing address: 22 Planting Field Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Contact person: Steven Blank, 516-307-1045.†Publisher: Steven Blank, 22 Planting Field Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Editor: Steven Blank, 22 Planting Field Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Owner: Blank Slate Media LLC, 22 Planting Field Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Steven Blank, 22 Planting Field Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577. Owner: Litmor Publishing Corp., 821 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11530. †Issue date for publication date: Sept. 30, 2022. †Average number of copies during preceding 12 months, total number of copies (net press run): 3,437. Paid circulation mailed outside county: 102. Paid circulation mailing in-county: 1,103. Paid distribution outside the mails: 816. Total paid distribution: 2,021. Free or nominal outside-county copies: 0. Free or nominal rate in-county: 221. Free or nominal outside the mail: 1,145 Total free or nominal rate: 1,366. Total distribution: 3,387. Copies not distributed: 50. Total: 3,437. Percent paid: 59.67%.†Number of copies during published nearest to filing date, total number of copies (net press run): 3,367. Paid circulation mailed outside county: 93. Paid circulation mailing in-county: 1,089. Paid distribution outside the mails: 815. Total paid distribution: 1,997. Free or nominal outside-county copies: 0. Free or nominal rate in-county: 250. Total free or nominal outside the mail: 1,070. Total free or nominal rate distribution: 1,320. Total distribution: 3,317. Copies not distributed: 50. Total: 3,367. Percent paid: 60.21%.†


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