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Squicciarino says village in good financial standing at last meeting as trustee

New Hyde Park Trustee Donna Squicciarino said she is glad to be leaving the village in great financial shape at her last board of trustees meeting March 16.

Squicciarino, who has served the board since 2013, is not seeking re-election in the March 21 village elections.

She added that the village has maintained its strong surplus and bond rating, which she said was a high priority during her time on the board. 

“As a finance person, my goal was to protect taxpayer funds and to provide financial management for the clerk’s office,” Squicciarino said. “I am comfortable where we are.”

Professionally, Squicciarino is the treasurer for the Garden City Union Free School District. When she was first appointed in 2013, she completed the final two years of then-Mayor Robert Lofaro’s term as a trustee. 

Squicciarino became the second woman to sit as a village trustee at the time of her appointment.

Village Mayor Christopher Devane echoed similar sentiments from other trustees congratulating Squicciarino for her time on the board.

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“After doing this for two years, I can say it is a lot of work,” Devane said. “To sit on this board for 10 years knowing what it takes, her service to New Hyde Park is exceptional.”

Running to take the seat left vacant by Squicciarino is newcomer Iram “Eve” Sheikh. She has been a resident of the village since 1996 and is a pharmacy manager at Vitality. Her previous village experience includes serving on the Cultural Committee.

Squicciarino finished her report by thanking the clerk’s office, Building Department and Department of Public Works before thanking her family. She also thanked former Trustee Donald Barbieri as someone who was key in encouraging her to join. 

Barbieri, a New Hyde Park village trustee for 18 years and a lifelong resident of the village, died in 2018 at 58 after a decades-long fight with multiple sclerosis.

Last summer, the village’s new dog park was named in honor of Barbieri and his companion dog, Hallie.

“I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his guidance,” Squicciarino said. “This village is just filled with incredibly talented people and I am blessed to have worked here in this capacity.”


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