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Munsey Park projects no tax increases with budget

Munsey Park Trustee Antonio D'Angelo goes over the proposed village budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year. (Photo by Amelia Camurati)

The Munsey Park Board of Trustees unveiled a proposed budget Wednesday with no tax increases.

The $1,811,874 proposed budget, which was uploaded to the village’s website Thursday, shows the same amount of revenue as expenses.

The 2017-18 proposed revenue was $1,986,789.

Trustee Antonio D’Angelo said the village’s reserve fund is projected to be about $1.5 million at the end of the fiscal year on May 31 and the village is expected to have about a $220,000 surplus.

“The objective of this proposed budget is to keep us fiscally sound while addressing needs for improvements in infrastructure, maintenance and beautification of our village,” D’Angelo said. “This budget is to ensure we have a strong balance sheet if and when we as a village agree to take on future infrastructure and capital improvement projects as well as being prepared for the what ifs.”

Though trustees approved their first local law of the year to potentially exceed the tax cap, D’Angelo said no tax increases are expected. About $1.28 million in revenue is projected from property taxes.

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Two-thirds of the budget is in the village’s salaries and benefits, garbage collection contact and village debt.

The five-year garbage contract, which was renegotiated last year, is about $460,000 per year, D’Angelo said. The budget also includes about $223,000 in debt payments.

D’Angelo said the budget also includes about $262,000 for road maintenance, and the village will work with an engineer to use the road grading map to formulate a five-year road improvement plan in the village.

The budget also includes $30,000 for tree trimming and maintenance and another $20,000 for village entry beautification, D’Angelo said.

Mayor Frank DeMento also thanked Deputy Mayor John Lippmann for his service during his final meeting as trustee. Lippmann served two terms after being elected in 2014 and chose not to run for re-election.

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