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Readers Write: Too many holes in protection from terrorists

It is being broadcast in the news that there is evidence of terrorists plots during the month of August and possibly beyond. 

We can only trust that the warnings that have been given and the actions being taken will be sufficient, at least we hope so. 

Regarding the last attack, it seems apparent that those who we assume were present at the Boston Marathon whose duty it was to safeguard the people were not watching the people’s backs. It would have been their duty to selflessly forego seeing the runners cross the finish line. 

Had they been watching as and where necessary, surely they would have seen the two ‘pack mules,’ one somewhat ahead of the other passing behind the wall of watchers and would have had at least something of an intuition or gut feeling of suspicion. 

Even had they not stopped them to examine the backpacks they should have watched to see what they would do. 

Obviously, they removed the bags, left them and walked on. There would have been at least a moment to possibly get the people away from the area. 

Also, if anyone had seen something, there is no evidence that anyone said or did anything. It may be assumed that the FBI and others are truly loaded down with items to investigate. Somehow it seems that the bombs were constructed without leaving any apparent evidence. 

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About once a week I am in New York City on the west side of Seventh Avenue at Times Square. I see police officers standing at the curb facing the street. Sometimes two or three together as if keeping company. 

Were the sidewalk not so jammed with people, one could possibly wheel a cannon down the sidewalk and the officers would not see it. I ask myself, “would it not be much better if the officers were spaced individually with their backs to the wall of the buildings so that they would be able to see everything with uninterrupted and undivided attention?”

In light of the above, as the two bombs were constructed without leaving evidence and that the action went by unnoticed at the marathon, it seems almost as if these are fates that are impossible to disrupt. 

Again, we are being left with only being able to hope for the best..

Charles Samek


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