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Readers Write: Trayvon Martin column disregards fair reporting

Dear Ms. Rubin

In regards to your article in the July 26 Great Neck News.

While you bring out several good points about the constitutionality of Florida’s stand-your-ground laws, there are some fallacies in your article. 

You state George Zimmerman “murdered an unarmed teen.” The jury found him “not guilty.” 

I believe you overstepped your editorial authority by making that statement. If you believe Mr.Zimmerman is guilty, you should have prefaced your opinion in that fashion. 

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Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that you have a right to call a person a murderer, when a jury has found him not guilty. 

You also fail to mention the fact that Trayvon Martin assaulted Mr. Zimmerman. This was even admitted to by the prosecution and witnessed by sworn testimony of a resident of the complex where the assault took place. You have a duty to report all the facts as a fair reporter, and the opinions, as a fair citizen.

Morton Perlman 

Great Neck

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