Viewpoint: School districts need to actively reject assault on teaching the truth of U.S. history

Viewpoint: School districts need to actively reject assault on teaching the truth of U.S. history
Karen Rubin, Viewpoint Columnist

There is a reason why New York State mandates teaching about the Holocaust and why state legislators, led by state Sen. Anna Kaplan, have pushed for school districts to teach the Holocaust in more robust, purposeful ways rather than a casual mention.

They point to the rise of antisemitism.

In fact, you only have to listen to the garbage coming out of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene who compared a public-health mask-wearing mandate to genocide, and those who knock on doors to encourage people to get the COVID-19 vaccination to brown shirts who beat and murdered Jews in the street, to have a glimpse of what ignorance breeds.

So it is really disturbing that the shite christo-fascists have now taken aim (again) at public education, specifically targeting “woke” teachers. The word “woke” is used as a slur (like “political correctness” or “liberal”), to refer to anyone who has made an effort to understand and empathize with others.

Laws are actually being proposed to ban the teaching of the made-up “critical race theory” – which is extended to teaching about slavery, Indian genocide, Jim Crow, KKK, lynching, but especially how systemic racism is responsible for disparities in today’s wealth, housing, education, jobs, voting rights and criminal justice – for example, how systemic racism could factor into a police officer suffocating a man to death in front of a crowd of people pleading for mercy without care or concern.

The aim behind the campaign to whitewash history and replace truth with propaganda is the same as the attack on science (evolution, climate change), public health (coronavirus, gun safety) and education: a backlash against the policies being advanced to promote more equity – now that the impact of inequities have been so starkly revealed in the face of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd murder.

What have public health, climate action, and social equity have in common? They require a sense of community, common cause, public purpose. The “commons” – which in white christo fascist parlance is “socialism” “communism” “Marxism” and anathema to “America” (that is capitalism).

Just as the attack on mask-wearing, the basis for the attack on “critical race theory” is totally bogus: CRT is not actually part of the K-12 curriculum, but rather, is an issue taught in law schools to examine how systemic racism has become embedded in criminal justice.

But the term has become shorthand for anything that is critical of United States history and might burst any myth of “American Exceptionalism.” The fuse was lit by the self-examination after the publication of the New York Times’ “1619” project.

Public education has been a target of right-wing conservatives going back to Reagan, as much because of the fight to force prayer in school and public tax money for parochial schools as to weaken teacher unions, among the largest unions still in existence and typically supporting Democrats.

Their fear is that if children grow into adults who respect others and see the injustice of economic, political and social inequities, if they realize that the American Dream is rigged, they might actually embrace policies and politicians to correct it.

“Critical race theory, the 1619 Project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison that, if not removed, will dissolve the civic bonds that tie us together,” Trump declared. “It will destroy our country” adding “teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse in the truest sense of those words.”

To counter such education, he formed a 1776 Commission for Patriotic Education so that “our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their souls.”

Already, there have been literal attacks on school board members and meetings, and right-wingers taking over seats on school boards.

States have passed bans on teaching critical race theory but what does that mean practically? You can’t teach about slavery in Colonial America, the Trail of Tears, the Civil War, the Dred Scott decision, Plessy v. Ferguson, the Indian Wars, Sitting Bull?

“We told our members you can do what your professional obligation requires – teach honest, accurate United States history, some of it is uncomfortable, but helps kids become critical thinkers when they understand the facts and can draw their own conclusions,” AFT President Randi Weingarten said on MSNBC. “We will defend that, just like the Scopes Trial of old, when they tried to stop teaching Evolution. It’s very important to be able to teach accurate history.

“To survive in this world, you need to be able to think. You need to be able to hold different things in your heart, in your head at same time. If you don’t help kids develop those muscles, to see diversity as strength, it will hurt them.”

But Weingarten added, “Some teachers won’t have the stamina or courage to teach Civil War or January 6. People will be afraid to push kids to think.”

And lest you think this controversy is far away and not a risk to our schools, the rightwing have used textbooks to spread their political and social engineering.

“Texas has frequently faced scrutiny for its state curriculum standards (called Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS),” Kate Slater writes in “Who Chooses the History Textbooks?” on the site. “In 2014, NPR reported on some of the curriculum controversies, one of which included listing Moses as one of the original Founding Fathers.

But because Texas has one of the highest populations of public school students (approximately 5 million) it carries an undue influence on national textbook publishers and the content that they include — or do not include — in their textbooks. The narratives that they feature, which are then taught to millions of middle and high school students, have at times come under fire for being racist and xenophobic.”

For example, a McGraw-Hill textbook referred to enslaved people as “workers” and compared the Atlantic slave trade to other “patterns of immigration.” They have also sought to embed Intelligent Design alongside Darwin’s “theory” of Evolution, and have dismissed climate science.

The Great Neck School District, Nassau County and New York State school boards associations and superintendents associations should consider a policy to refuse to order any textbook which contain whitewashed or propagandized history, science, social studies, as edited to satisfy Texas.

Instead, when it comes to history or social science, our students would be better served with project-based curriculum that enable them to learn for themselves how to find and analyze original sources or different sources and voices. This also teaches important techniques to distinguish fact from fraud on the internet.

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  1. Education has been a target of Progressives/Marxists going back as far as the Woodrow Wilson administration and was addressed extensively during the Eisenhower administration. The removal of interdenominational prayer in schools initiated in the Herricks School District (See Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)), prohibiting public tax money for parochial schools and the taking over and strengthening teacher unions, among the largest unions (National Education Association) were goals the Progressives/Marxists achieved with no national resistance unlike the case of CRT and the 1619 Project. The NEA today actively supports the agenda of Progressives/Marxists who now control the Democrat Party. This is just part of the latest attempt by those more interested in Marxist revisionist indoctrination than the education of American students to attack the founding principles of this country.
    For proof, check out the following:
    Book Reviews, Sites, Romance, Fantasy, Fiction | Kirkus Reviews
    “In the Fund for the Republic series on Communism in American Life, this is an exhaustive, authoritative and non-partisan study of “”Communist activity within the American educational system, its nature, magnitude and import.”

    Communist-socialist propaganda in American schools; a documented study of the role National Education Association is taking in the indoctrination of t : Kaub, Verne Paul. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
    Communist-socialist propaganda in American schools;: A documented study of the role National Education Association is taking in the indoctrination of … with the ideology of communism-socialism. Hardcover – January 1, 1953
    By Verne Paul Kaub (Author)

    Critical race theory – Wikipedia
    “Law professors Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry argue that critical race theory lacks supporting evidence, relies on an implausible belief that reality is socially constructed, rejects evidence in favor of storytelling, rejects truth and merit as expressions of political dominance, and rejects the rule of law. Farber and Sherry additionally posit that the anti-meritocratic tenets in critical race theory, critical feminism, and critical legal studies may unintentionally lead to anti-Semitic and anti-Asian implications.”

    Critical Race Theory is repackaged Marxism, white supremacy (
    Critical Race Theory is repackaged Marxism, white supremacy
    “John McWhorter, an associate professor for Columbia University, said, “Only Victimology makes black thinkers so ominously comfortable portraying their own people as the weakest, least resilient human beings in the history of the species.”
    Likewise, Glenn C. Lour, professor of economics at Brown University, asserts: “This (CRT) is no reasoned ethical reflection. Rather, it is indoctrination, virtue-signaling, and the transparent currying of favor …”

    Oakridger 7/2/2021

    Twelve Scholars Critique the 1619 Project and the New York Times Magazine Editor Responds 1/26/20
    Twelve Scholars Critique the 1619 Project and the New York Times Magazine Editor Responds | History News Network

    Nikole Hannah-Jones’ Hate For America Is The Basis Of The 1619 Project (

    By Ben Weingarten JUNE 26, 2020
    “How would you feel if the person teaching your children American history argued that “the white race” — or any race — “is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world”? What if she claimed, “Christopher Columbus and those like him were no different than [sic] Hitler”? And what if she concluded that “the descendants of these savage people … continue to be bloodsuckers in our communities”?
    Unfortunately, these are not mere academic questions. The New York Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones has claimed them. The teachings of Times’ 1619 Project, Hannah-Jones’ brainchild, are being incorporated into the curricula of classrooms across the country. Her above-mentioned writings, as The Federalist recently reported, come from her days as a student at the University of Notre Dame.”


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