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3 Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Have you ever found a good excuse to postpone certain tasks at home or at work until the last minute? Have you ever suffered from missing out on a big score at a casino because you thought, “I’ve got time”? Just didn’t go to the because: “I’ll still make it”?

In other words, procrastination is putting off until tomorrow what can be done the same day. Some people are easily seduced by this notion. However, these behaviors can become difficult for colleagues or relatives of procrastinators to tolerate. So here are our 3 tips for not putting off anything until tomorrow!

1. Organize Your Tasks in Steps

First, to stop procrastinating it is necessary to be ready to change one’s behavior. The desire to do things differently will naturally push you in the right direction. To start, identify the times of day when you are productive. Next, make a todo list, a detailed list of actions to take. Prioritize them in order of importance and/or urgency.

Don’t hesitate to give as much detail as possible about the actions you need to carry out. The more the task is broken down into steps, the easier it will be for you to get down to work.

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Often, the hardest part is getting started. So prepare the ground and set up rituals so that you don’t have to wait until tomorrow.

2. Avoid Distractions

Several sources of distraction can be offered to you: telephone, emails, social networks, television, other peopleTo stop procrastinating, define moments when you can isolate yourself without a screen that is not necessary for the successful completion of your task. This way, you will stay focused until you reach your goal. Don’t forget that with each deconcentration, your working time gets longer.

Do you have a report to complete for the next day? Disable notifications on your phone and computer to avoid multitasking and isolate yourself in a quiet place.

3. Reward Yourself and Take Breaks

You’ve been given a big project to complete and the deadline is approaching, but you don’t know how to go about it? To overcome stubborn procrastination, you can work in phases. To do this, it is necessary to determine beforehand the number of tasks to be carried out for each stage. When a phase is completed, give yourself a reward.

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