Readers Write: Hoping for decency, preparing to fight

Readers Write: Hoping for decency, preparing to fight

Thomas Jefferson said, “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it is much easier to do it a second time and a third time till at length it becomes habitual.”

The enormity of the lies told by George Santos has reached a crescendo that is “beyond the pale.”

Santos’ lies run the gamut. There are his lies regarding the educational institutions from which he said that he graduated, his sites of employment, criminal charges of writing stolen, fraudulent checks, his claims of property ownership, lying about his genealogy and unpaid debts.

The list continues on and on.

While Santos has admitted all of the aforementioned are “embellishments” regarding his resume there is no getting away from it, singly and together, they are outrageous, brazen and amoral.

Furthermore, Santos has lived a life of debt. The question still remains, where did he obtain $700.000 to lend to his campaign?

Santos lacks the ability to tell the truth. He also lacks a higher education. Given both of these, how in the world could he be trusted as a congressman to tell the truth to his constituents?

Moreover, not having the benefits of a higher education learning experience, the question is: does he have the wherewithal to comprehend, let alone enact nuances regarding legislation? His experience and honesty and morality are sorely lacking.

Santos’ judgment regarding his truthfulness is at the very least, appalling. Additionally, the elected officials overlooking Santos’ discrepancies are as guilty as he is in committing amoral scenarios.

I wonder if there are those who voted for him are now kicking themselves? It is gratifying to note Santos is currently under federal investigation. He should resign or not be seated next week.

It will be interesting to see whether Santos will have the gall to advance Jefferson’s projections regarding a lying individual such as he has demonstrated. Will Santos decide that the counts against him have become overbearing or will the Republicans decide he is unfit to serve?

My hope is that decency will prevail. However, as citizens, we must continue to fight for what is right and just, as we “wait and see” regarding what the next chapter for Congressional District 3 will be.

Lois Schaffer

Great Neck

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