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Readers Write: We are appalled by all this antisemitism

As reported, pro-Palestinian protesters have boarded New York City subway cars wearing masks and yelling, which has frightened some riders.

There was a law preventing being masked at the protests, and it needs to be brought back. It is time to have a law preventing those sporting masks at protests.

Added to all that to attack with red paint homes owned by Jewish officials at the Brooklyn Museum  as reported in the papers and on TV is just so sad. This is not a protest in my book but just pure vandalism.

My question is were not such acts committed in Nazi Germany and by the KKK in our own country?  All those who engage in these acts of hate and antisemitism must be arrested and pay the price for these evil acts against my fellow human beings.

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You see, we are all brothers and sisters created by God to love and respect one another. As a Catholic and as Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911, we are appalled and troubled by all this antisemitism.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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