Readers Write: Why I’m voting for Tom Suozzi

Readers Write: Why I’m voting for Tom Suozzi

If we are to beat back efforts to weaken Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act (aka ACA and Obama Care) we need to elect Thomas Suozzi in the Congressional District 3.

As an 86-year-old with a history of surviving three bouts of ovarian cancer and one of breast cancer, I FEAR the re-election of former President Trump, who when in office tried to eliminate ACA (defeated thanks to Sen. John McCain).  If Donald Trump and Mazi Pilip are elected, she would support the end of the ACA.  If that happens the results would be a cap on insurance, which I would exceed, thus making me uninsurable or having to pay astronomical insurance premiums. You may be in the same situation.

The House of Representatives needs someone who is a champion for seniors in New York State, not a person who lacks the tools for the job.  It’s so important that we preserve our earned benefits, Social Security, Medicare and the ACA.

Therefore, seniors, it’s imperative that you vote for Tom Suozzi.  He’ll support our quality- of-life issues.

Madeline Maffetore


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