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North Middle students recognized for boosting quality of life

North Middle students were recognized by the Board of Education. (Photo by Irwin Mendlinger)

North Middle students were recognized by the Board of Education. (Photo by Irwin Mendlinger)

Eighty-six North Middle School students were recently recognized by the Great Neck Public Schools Board of Education for contributing to the quality of life at their school.

Student honorees, in alphabetical order, are: Sarah Abdekalimi, Juliette Ahdoot, Naya Akler, Colin Asher, Ava Assaraf, Salome Assaraf, Zachary Astrof, Perla Ayache, Leila Bakhshi, Tyler Brechner, Jack Brenner, Mia Carrillo, Stanley Chan, Michaela Damaghi, Mia Delijani, Jonah Fishman, Sophie Frenkel, Jaslyn Gao, Gili Gavriel, Melody Gidanian, Danielle Glucklich, Ava Goodman, Rhea Goodman, Ariel Greenblatt, Joshua Haghani, Shayna Hagooli, Kayla Hakimi, Dylan Hakimian, Menash Harooni, Leila Hawa, Xi He, Ava Hoffman, Joy Huang, Julia Hyman, Taikary Jiang, Yihao Jiang, Yue Jing, Kyleen Kalimian, Megan Kashi, Sydney Kashi, Danit Kashi, Liora Kaya, Julia Khani, Chloe Khani, Jared Kimiabakhsh, Addison Klebanov, Dylan Kohanim, Joelle Kokhabi, Leo Korman, Amanda Lavian, Linda Li, Hunter Loren, Sarena Mahfar, Matthew Manesh, Jordan Mayorga, John McCarthy, Ava Muntner, Lyla Muntner, Nicole Nazar, Talia Nazarian, Jason Nejat, Ori Ohebshalom, Maya Oralevich, Tyler Rafinia, Owen Roubeni, Alexandra Rubin, Eliana Sadykov, Ethan Schulman, Reuben Schwartz, Doron Sedaghat, Tyeis Smith, Nikita Soleymani, Shuyuan Sun, Katherine Sun, Carolina Swiatkowska, Kirsten Tam, Katharine Tang, Yo-Jia Hu Tang, Jesse Toro, Michelle Wasserman, Sydney Wolk, Noy Wysoki, Paz Wysoki, Evan Youssefi, Christine Zhou, Alex Zhuang, and Ethan Zubli.

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Joining them were Board of Education President Barbara Berkowitz, Vice President Donald Ashkenase, and Trustees Donna Peirez, Rebecca Sassouni, and Jeffrey Shi, Superintendent of Schools  Teresa Prendergast and Assistant Superintendent Stephen Lando, North Middle School Principal Gerald Cozine and Assistant Principals Jennifer Andersen and Nancy Gunning.

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