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South students in Honor Concert Band performances

Four Great Neck Public Schools students from South High School and South Middle School have been accepted to perform in the New York State Band Directors Association Honor Concert Bands. Two students were named alternates.

Honor Concert Band performances will take place in Syracuse in early March 2019. Performing groups will be conducted by college wind-ensemble directors.

South High School musician Lia Seo will play the flute as a member of the High School Honor Concert Band. Her music teachers are Mark Boschen and Michael Schwartz, the performing arts department head.

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South Middle School’s participants in the Middle School Honor Concert Band will be Justin Lee on trumpet, Charles Li on trumpet, and Joy Song on clarinet.

Alternates are Mitchell Agris on bassoon and Whitney Choung on baritone horn. Their teacher is Alan Schwartz, music department head.

Students were selected for the Honor Concert Bands by a statewide panel of NYSBDA music educators based on students’ NYSSMA solo performances and recommendations from music teachers.

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