Village of Plandome Manor Town Hall Address
55 Manhasset Avenue
Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone: 516-627-3701
Fax: 516-627-7067
Village of Plandome Manor Elected Officials
Mayor Barbara Donno
Deputy Mayor Matthew Clinton
Trustee Tony Desousa
Trustee James Baydar
Trustee Patricia O’Neill
Village of Plandome Manor Staff:
Village Clerk: Lisa Mancuso
Court Clerk: Randi Malman
Treasurer: Marie DiPalo
Superintendent of Buildings: Edward P. Butt, AIA, RA
Village Attorney: Sahn Ward Coshignano
Village Justice: Susan Katz Richman, Esq.
Village Prosecutor: Richard Prisco, Esq.
Code Enforcement Officer/Deputy
Road Commissioner: Robert Rockelein
Associate Justice: Rachel Schelfo, Esq.
Village Arborist: Ann Frankel
Auditors: Cullen & Danowski, LLP
Liaison to Manhasset Bay Protection: Tom Lang
Liaison To North Shore Cable Commission: Mayor Barbara Donno
Village of Plandome Manor Design Review Board:
Isabel DeSousa, Chairwomen
Traci Clinton
Semiramis Geiger
Joel Levitin, Esq.
Jed Siegel
Janine Petracca (alternate)
Village of Plandome Manor Board of Zoning Appeals:
Mario Harris, Chairman
Alan Shibley
Peter Kulka
Bruce Rothstein
Michael Iakovou
Nicholas Cyprus-Alternate
Village of Plandome Manor Planning Review Board:
Lisbeth Shibley
Kate Dunn
Kevin McCormick