Readers Write: Vote for Matt Straus for PW Library trustee

Readers Write: Vote for Matt Straus for PW Library trustee

I am writing this letter in support of Matt Straus’s candidacy for the Port Washington Public Library’s board of trustees.

A lifelong Port Washington resident and Schreiber High School graduate, Straus is father to two young children, and he devotes much of his time outside of practicing law to serving our community: a volunteer at Sousa Elementary (his children’s school), a board member for the Science Museum of Long Island, and with me as a den leader in Port Washington’s Cub Scout Pack 77.

In the years that Straus and I have worked together in Cub Scouts, I have found him to be dedicated, disciplined and organized, critical characteristics for effectively discharging the duties of an elected board member.

Straus is a skilled communicator and an equally respectful listener, open to considering those whose opinions differ from his own and conceding graciously when appropriate. He fulfills his role as den leader with a steady hand and a calm demeanor, which is no small feat when dealing with seven-year-old boys.

What I most admire about Straus is his ability to seamlessly weave together his roles as lawyer, husband, father, museum trustee, and school volunteer. All this and he still finds time to sail, which has been a lifetime hobby and love growing up on the North Shore. Captain Straus even holds his 100-ton master license with the Coast Guard.

Straus is exactly the sort of person that I, a 23-year commander in the U.S. Navy, would like to see on our library’s board of trustees. In addition to his intellectual curiosity, broad experience and love of Port Washington, he will bring a fresh voice and perspective as a new trustee and the board will be all the better for it.

Please cast your vote for him on April 9; I have no doubt he will serve and serve well.

Stephen Frangos
Port Washington

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