Boy Scout Troop 10 complete challenging camping trip in constant rain

Boy Scout Troop 10 complete challenging camping trip in constant rain

By Scoutmaster Dr. Dwight Rosenstein

Troop 10 recently completed a very challenging overnight camping trip at Camp Bullowa in Stony Point. The weekend in September was among the rainiest weekends we have encountered, with conditions only marginally better than on Long Island.

Fortunately, it was not particularly cold, but the near-constant rain presented logistical problems as well as challenging the attitudes of the scouts. Not to worry, though, as the scouts were under the leadership of our senior patrol leader who led them through camp set up.

First, they set up canopies under which they erected their free-standing dome tents which they then moved to their designated patrol sites. Forty scouts including 6 older Scouts including 3 of our core leadership scouts and eight adult leaders set up tarps, canopies, and tents, moved tables and set up cooking stations for each of the 9 patrols.

After lunch, they followed trail markers for a three-mile hike which had its rugged moments. After the hike, the senior scouts set up stations of team-building exercises through which the regular patrols rotated. The focus was skills, thoughtfulness and teamwork.

Each patrol cooked on camp stoves and ate dinner according to menus they had planned with food they bought and then, with reasonable efficiency, they cleaned up. Adults felt that morale would be further boosted by a campfire so dry wood was purchased locally, and the rain let up during the huge campfire in which each patrol put on a skit for everyone’s entertainment.

It rained overnight but the campfire still had live embers in the morning! Each patrol cooked their breakfast with the menu they had planned with food they purchased, and after eating and clean up, tents and canopies and tarps were struck, and the campsite policed for trash.

The Scouts had a reflection identifying behaviors to stop, behaviors that were good and should be continued, and ideas for how to improve themselves as well as trips in the future. As the scouts loaded themselves into cars, the rain began to pour.

During the trip, several Scouts were able to complete requirements for their rank advancement, and all had gear to take home, clean or air out to prevent damage to our equipment. All are looking forward to our October backpacking trip.

Troop 10 meets at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department on 25 Prospect Street on Mondays at 8:00 pm on school days. If you are interested in joining Troop 10, please contact Dr. Dwight J Rosenstein at [email protected].

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