Boy Scout Troop 10’s spring camping at Allamuchy Scout Reservation

Boy Scout Troop 10’s spring camping at Allamuchy Scout Reservation
Catapults constructed using lashing skills

By Dr. Dwight Rosenstein, Scoutmaster

Troop 10 Boy Scouts of Great Neck completed a successful weekend overnight camping trip in April at Allamuchy Scout Reservation in western New Jersey.

Nature was true to tradition, providing precipitation on the Saturday of our outing, but fortunately, this time, it was a minimal drizzle, and its effect was insignificant.

After setting up camp, eating and resting after lunch, the troop took a 4.8-mile historic hike in the area, including seeing ruins from the early 1800s. Back at the camp, the Scouts in the three regular patrols used their lashing skills to construct ballistas (catapults) out of rope and wooden staves. Using brightly colored tennis balls, the scouts pelted each other with great vigor and not-so-great aim.

The outcome was a draw. Later, some of the younger scouts had the opportunity to be taught or to demonstrate their skills regarding the proper use of knife, hatchet and saw while others worked on their skills regarding safe use of campfires and different fire lays and their uses.

Each patrol cooked its own dinner, which it had planned and shopped for. After cleanup, the Scouts had fun with a campfire program of songs and skits and then s’mores. All slept well in the cold weather. Temperatures in the mid-30s overnight were only a minor challenge to the 25 Scouts in three regular patrols, one older scout patrol, and the eight adult leaders on the trip.

After cooking breakfast, the Scouts cleaned up, and packed up. We policed the area for trash and left the campsite cleaner than when we found it. Before leaving, we followed another Troop10 tradition, a reflection led by the senior patrol leader, in which all the individuals in the group briefly reviewed and evaluated their experiences for the education of all and the improvement of each. All got home safely.

Troop 10 meets at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department on 25 Prospect Street on Mondays from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on school days. If you are interested in joining Troop 10, please get in touch with Dr. Dwight J Rosenstein at [email protected].


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