Spring! – A Salute to Mushrooms

Spring! – A Salute to Mushrooms

It’s Spring and mushrooms are plentiful.  

Why not enjoy a quick and easy dinner that features a few of the 140,000 species of mushroom-forming fungi.  

Mushrooms are low in calories, have no fat and contain high levels of vitamins D and B.  

Adding just one serving of mushrooms a day has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

The following menu is delicious and easy to prepare; just remember to look for organically grown mushrooms whenever possible.


Serves 4

Creamless Cream of Mushroom Soup

Chicken with Wild Mushrooms and Marsala

Healthy Mashed Potatoes

Kale Salad with Sliced Mushrooms*

*Recipe Not Given

Mushroom Soup

Creamless Cream 

of Mushroom Soup

Spray of olive oil

1  onion, chopped

1  lb Portabello Mushrooms

Stock to cover (chicken or vegetable)

Salt and Pepper to taste


No-fat yogurt

Chopped chives

1,  Spray oil in a saucepan.  Add onion and saute until golden and sweet.

2.  Add mushrooms and stock to cover.  Cook until mushroom is tender.

3.  Puree soup in a blender.

4.  Garnish with a dollop of yogurt and sprinkle with chives.  Serve.

Chicken with Wild Mushrooms and Marsala Wine

Chicken with Wild 


and Marsala Wine

2 skinless, boneless chicken breast – 8 oz. Each

Spray olive oil

sea salt and black pepper to taste

1 onion, diced

6 oz sliced mushrooms, any kind you like, clean and soaked in 

1/2 cup Marsala wine

OR 3 oz. dried mushrooms, rinsed and soaked in 1/2 cup Marsala wine

1/2 cup Marsala wine (for sauce)

1 cup chicken stock

1 tbls Wondra

1.  Butterfly the chicken breasts. Or buy thinly sliced packaged chicken and skip to step 3.

2.  Place the butterflied chicken pieces in between 2 pieces of Saran Wrap and, with a flat side of a meat mallet, gently pound the chicken until the meat is approximately 1/4-inch thick or pound with a heavy skillet.

3.  In a large saute pan, spray oil and warm over medium-high heat.  While your pan is heating, lightly sprinkle both sides of the chicken with the sea salt and black pepper.

4.  Saute the chicken in the hot skillet on both sides for 3-5 minutes, until the chicken is barely cooked through.

5.  Remove the chicken from the pan and add to the same pan another spray of olive oil and onions.

6.  Using a wooden spoon, quickly saute onions for 2 minutes, scraping any of the chicken drippings off the bottom of the pan.  Add the mushrooms and continue sauteing.

7.  Add the Marsala, chicken stock, and Wondra and bring to a simmer for 3-5 minutes.

8.  Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve immediately.

Alexandra Troy is owner of Culinary Architect Catering, a 32-year old Greenvale-based company, specializing in private, corporate and promotional parties.  For more photos and presentation ideas, follow Culinary Architect Catering on Facebook.

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