Readers Write: Divorces reveal liberal leaders’ hypocrisy

Readers Write: Divorces reveal liberal leaders’ hypocrisy

Global warming always inspires them. 

After all, they are just poor, working-class folks, whose lifetime mission is to save the planet, and provide government assistance for everyone. They know what’s best for me and my family, and they look down and condemn anyone who has the audacity to question their motives. 

Being a government or a union worker is as good as it gets, since earning lots of money is definitely a mortal sin. They are the liberals and proud of it.

Fortunately, some of their spouses eventually wake up in time, and see that they are really self-centered, hypocritical and egomaniacal narcissists. I know that’s a mouthful, but doesn’t it seem true for so many of them. Their only hope? Divorce. 

But when that occurs, their financial, ethical and moral lives can’t be hidden by the mainstream media any more. People Magazine or the New York Post can now expose them for all of us to drool over. No more hidden assets or claims of sainthood!  

You all know the brilliant, filmmaker Michael Moore. Just look at him. Doesn’t he just fit that mold. 

A poor, struggling, schlep who always turns down the big bucks, for a higher calling. 

Really? This far left-winger, hates capitalism, especially corporations, despises financial success and truly admires anything with a union label. 

Guess what? Since he just got divorced, we can finally read in the tabloids, what he is really like.

1 – We find out that this struggling, poor, cinematographer is worth well over $50 million dollars. That’s 50 big ones!

2 – His investments? I know his admirers out there won’t believe me, but I’ll tell you anyway. Maybe some of you want to sit down first. His investments include a substantial holding in Halliburton, the company that every liberal just loves to hate. Remember that this major defense contractor was cofounded by former vice president Dick Cheney. Are any libs still with me? Can I move on?

3 – Okay? And we now learn that Moore committed the most heretical left-wing crime imaginable. He actually used non-union workers in some of his films. Oh my God, how can he sleep at night?

Webster defines hypocrisy as: “see Al Gore.” 

We all know that big Al invented the internet, and turned his planet-saving fight into a $1.2 billion dollar personal fortune. That’s “B”, as in billion. How could any poor liberal be so rich? After a 40 year marriage, he also got divorced.

All his Jewish supporters, and there were tons of them, loved him when he condemned Hamas and Fatah, and strongly defended Israel’s right to exist. 

How does Gore show his appreciation to the 70 percent of all the Jewish voters who voted for him? How does he thank all the Jewish organizations who helped raise millions of dollars for his campaign? 

Easy. As the cofounder of Current TV, Gore sold his TV station to the Emir of Qatar’s blatantly anti-Semitic TV network, Al Jazeera. 

Did you know that Al Gore personally made a $300 million dollar profit in that deal? Does that change your mind about him? I doubt it.

By the way, didn’t all you liberals tell me that our mainstream media is pro-Israel? Even after Al Jazeera called for the destruction of Israel, the murder of every Jew, and justified the killing of Jewish civilians, they just announced that: 

1 – Kate O’Brian is leaving ABC to become their new President. 

2 – Also joining their staff is Shannon High-Bassalik (from CNN and MSNBC), David Doss (from CNN) and Marcy McGinnis (from CBS News). I can’t wait to read their first pro-Israeli editorial.

The two happiest women in the world? Must be Kathleen Glynn (Moore) and Tipper Gore. Both were recently seen at Tiffany’s, gleefully spending their huge alimony checks.

Dr. Stephen Morris DDS,

North Hills

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