Readers Write: Suozzi, Mangano failed South Shore

Readers Write: Suozzi, Mangano failed South Shore

I have a cousin in Long Beach, and I’ve seen first-hand the devastation after Hurricane Sandy. Most stores and restaurants have not come back. New Jersey seems much further along. 

Why is that? 

Is it because we had eight years of neglect under Tom Suozzi, who let the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant fall into such disrepair it’s become an environmental hazard? 

Is it because Ed Mangano was asleep at the wheel, continuing the neglect, failing to go to Washington to fight for our fair share? 

Gov. Christie put party politics aside and people first. Can anyone imagine any of our party first politicians doing that?

 It’s time for a change! Adam Haber is the only candidate for me. 

Adam was in Long Beach immediately and daily after Sandy. Adam brought All Hands Volunteers, a disaster response group, here to help Long Islanders get back on our feet. 

Adam Haber truly cares, is motivated to give back, and is well known for business acumen and ingenuity far beyond the other candidates.

I hope Democrats will come out en masse Tuesday, September 10th, to vote for Adam in the Democratic primary. 

After that, it’s on to Election Day.

Nassau needs Adam Haber!

 Geri Valauri

East Hills

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