Readers Write: Attack ads tell it all

Readers Write: Attack ads tell it all
Over the last week I have received three distinct attack ad mailings from various Republican Committees attacking former Town Supervisor and current Democratic candidate for North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman.
While attack ads are par for the course in typical political strategy, what is unique here is the fact that the Republicans or Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena have not yet made any comparable campaign investment (and may not have sent out a single mailing) for any positive messaging for her re-election.
The necessary conclusion to draw from this strategy is that Supervisor Jen DeSena has no vision for our Town or any positive agenda with which to run on. While baffling for someone in a position of power and influence to do nothing on her own, this merely follows the last year and a half of her term. The supervisor’s term in office began with an inaugural speech to “remove politics from Town Hall” (after succeeding Judi Bosworth, who retired after repeated victories with nearly 70% of the Town’s vote and no recent scandal to even consider) and consistently saw Supervisor DeSena lash out at her Democratic colleagues rather than trying to find common ground and govern with a politically divided Town board.
Thus, the supervisor and her allies have come to the conclusion that following a term in which she has failed to accomplish anything of significance, has been unresponsive to the needs of constituents who have contacted her office directly, and displayed inexplicably poor judgment by, among other things, writing an opinion piece endorsing George Santos where she called him a “friend and true leader,” that all they should do is to attack their opponents rather than lead.
Jon Kaiman’s terms as supervisor birthed the development of numerous programs in North Hempstead, including Project Independence, 311 and numerous environmental projects across the Town. Spend a minute listening to him and you’ll hear real ideas to actually support our community and businesses with solutions that will benefit us all. I’m proudly supporting him for supervisor and encourage you all to do the same.
Peter Fishkind
Great Neck

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