Readers Write: Kim Keiserman will make a difference in state Senate

Readers Write: Kim Keiserman will make a difference in state Senate

I enthusiastically support Kim Keiserman in her campaign for the state Senate! I have been on board with Kim’s campaign since she announced her candidacy in Port Washington this past winter.

Kim is running on a platform fully consistent with maintaining and strengthening the quality of life we, specifically on our North Shore, have historically associated with and have enjoyed as residents of Long Island.

As a recently retired developmental and behavioral pediatrician and physician educator at North Shore University Hospital (now part of Northwell Health), I spent most of my career as an advocate addressing both the mental health and educational care needs of children throughout our region. While Long Island already generally does well, especially in comparison to most of the rest of the country, we can certainly do better by filling notable gaps and becoming more consistent in our service delivery of pre-K to grade 12 education and of children’s mental health. With the human talent and the resources we have here, there is no reason we cannot become a national model. With Kim as our representative in Albany, we can certainly make strides in that direction!

I am struck by the passion with which Kim talks about her affinity with Long Island and the understanding of our strengths, areas where improvement is indeed, and of our not fully realized potential as a community.

Specifically, I feel Kim’s experience as an educational expert and advocate positions her perfectly to deliver for us through strengthening the educational experience and maximizing the achievements of our children and grandchildren.

Our schools and talented teachers will continue to need adequate support not only to guide our children through developing a solid knowledge base in the traditional subject areas, but also to teach students the more essential executive skills for navigating the 21st century.

Children must develop skills, for example, in interpersonal communication including conflict resolution; in understanding (and embracing) diverse cultures, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, and political beliefs; and perhaps most importantly, how to evaluate critically the information with which they are constantly bombarded from everywhere.

As a former high school history and government teacher, Kim knows very well the importance of these considerations.

As a consultant to teachers and schools, she has promoted best practices in the classroom for discussing individual and group differences in belief systems and traditions. Kim’s expertise in this area can be vital to informing state lawmakers.

I hope you will join me in voting for and supporting Kim Keiserman for the NY Senate. The system works when caring voters elect leaders who care.

David Meryash M.D.


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