Readers Write: NYC Transit presidents come and go every few years

Readers Write: NYC Transit presidents come and go every few years

New York City Transit presidents such as Richard Davey and his past predecessor Andy Byford and others going back decades come and go after a few years. NYC Transit has a fleet of 6,418 subway cars, 472 stations, 28 rail yards, 4,500 buses and 29 bus depots. Since 2002 there have been six NYC Transit Presidents.

They depart to become the CEO of another transit agency, engineering firm, rail car manufacturer, construction company or equipment manufacturer.  They leave the nation’s largest subway and bus operator with a generous separation package. This includes a six figure severance payout plus financial compensation for unused sick and vacation time.

Promoting from within the current NYC Transit senior organization management team to fill any vacancy makes sense. Rather than wasting time and money in a national search for a new permanent NYC Transit President, MTA Chairman Janno Lieber should promote from within.

There are a number of very capable senior vice presidents to choose from.  They include the NYC Transit senior vice presidents for subways and buses, chief engineer, chief financial officer, executive vice president and several others.

They, already have a good understanding of the NYC Transit’s organization, staff, operations, stations, subway yard and shops, bus depots, other capital assets, facilities and customers needs. Any would be able to hit the job running with little need for on-the-job training.
The next NYC Transit president will need to develop a relationship with funding partners such as City Hall, Albany and the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York office along with riders and union employees.

The MTA usually allocates up to 80% of the $1.8 billion in annual grant funding it receives from FTA to fund NYC Transit capital projects and programs. It is critical to make it a priority to meet with the FTA New York Region 2 Office administrator and staff. It is a simple walk across the street from NYC Transit headquarters at 2 Broadway to visit the FTA Region 2 office located on the fourth floor of the United States Customs House at 2 Bowling Green.

Larry Penner
Great Neck


Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously served as a former Director for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office of Operations and Program Management.

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