Readers Write: NICE bus, federal funding perfect together

Readers Write: NICE bus, federal funding perfect together
Good news from Washington for residents who ride Nassau Inter County Express (NICE) Bus. Nassau County Department of Public Works Transit Division is in the process of  applying for a $42 million grant. This includes the 2023 Federal Transit Administration funding under Sections 5307 & 5339.  Washington will provide 80% with the New York State Department of Transportation and Nassau County contributing 10% each to provide the 20% local share necessary to obtain federal funding..   
NICE attempts to schedule bus replacements on a 500,000-mile or 12-year cycle,  whichever comes first.  This is based upon Federal Transit Administration eligibility guidelines. Since 1973, buses operated by NICE under contract to Nassau County are now on the fourth replacement cycle.  Most buses operated by NICE are under 12 years old.  This was not the case decades earlier when the average age of the fleet was closer to 12 years
These funds will assist NICE Bus in the purchase of  24 replacement buses including associated spare parts; five replacement paratransit vehicles; five dispatch, patrol and service vehicles; maintain and refurbish operating facilities heating, ventilation and air conditioning, Compressed Natural Gas station dispensing system improvements and bus area operations refurbishments; engineering and design services, and preventive maintenance used to keep the bus, paratransit and facilities in a state of good repair. 
This year marks the 11th anniversary for Nassau Inter County Express Bus. Thousands of Nassau County, Long Island residents ride NICE Bus to jobs, schools and other destinations in Queens.  Many transfer to the NYC Transit subway at Flushing, Jamaica or Far Rockaway stations.  Thousands of Queens residents travel via NICE bus to jobs, schools and other destinations in Nassau County.  The viability of NICE benefits everyone. 
In 1973, Nassau County purchased equipment, routes and some facilities from numerous private bus operators, most of whom were experiencing serious financial difficulties. These private bus operators included Bee Line, Rockville Center Bus Corporation, Utility Lines, Stage Coach Lines, Schenck Transportation, Inc., Nassau Bus Line, Hempstead Bus Corporation, Jerusalem Avenue Bus Lines, Universal Auto Bus, Roosevelt Bus Lines, Stage Coach Lines, Hendrickson Bus Corporation and others.
Their respective fare box income was insufficient to cover current day-to-day operating expenses. They lacked the funding to purchase new replacement buses, along with upgrading out-of-date maintenance and operating bus garages. Nassau County followed up that same year by entering into a lease and operating agreement with the MTA to continue providing local bus service. This resulted in creation of the Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority. Years later, MSBA was followed by Long Island Bus and on Jan. 1, 2012 Nassau Inter County Express. Most of the same routes operated by MSBA, LI Bus and NICE Bus today can be traced back to the various private bus operators.  
Since Nassau County took control of all bus routes from private operators in 1973, Nassau County, Albany and Washington combined have invested over $800 million in capital improvements.  Operating subsidy dollars easily top over $1.5 billion. It is a four-way dance between fares paid by riders, along with funding provided by Nassau County, the state and the federal government in financing public bus transportation operated by NICE.
They operate a fleet of 280 buses out of the Mitchell Field bus garage.  NICE also operates a fleet of 122 Able Ride paratransit vehicles out of the Stewart Avenue facility.  Both facilities were constructed by federal capital grants with local matching funds provided by Nassau County and the state Department of Transportation.  It was the same funding sources for both construction of the Hempstead Multi-Modal Bus Terminal, Mineola Intermodal Bus Terminal/Commuter Parking Garage and Rockville Centre Bus Garage (which was removed from active transit service in 2017).  All five of these investments combined cost over $100 million.  In today’s dollars, it would be far higher.
They had a proven track record of completing FTA funded capital projects on time and within budget.  Any contract change orders were documented, fair and reasonable.    
It was my experience while working for the FTA Region 2 Office (serving 36 transit operators in NY and NJ) for over three decades, that my old friends at Nassau County ran one of the most cost- effective transportation services in New York and New Jersey.
NICE Bus services over the past 11 years continue to be one of the best bargains around.  It is a model for cost-effective, urban/ suburban bus operation that others should emulate.  I congratulate the hardworking men and women of both Nassau County Department of Public Works Transit Division and NICE Bus, especially those who manage their federal and state grant programs, who year after year, continue to make all of this possible.  This includes periodically winning extra federal transit dollars under various national competitive discretionary grant programs.
Larry Penner
Great Neck
(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously served as a former Director for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office of Operations and Program Management.

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