Readers Write: Why your Feb 13 vote matters

Readers Write: Why your Feb 13 vote matters

For the upcoming Congressional District 3 special election on Feb 13, it is crucial that we elect a competent candidate who will work to preserve and protect our democracy and fundamental rights for future generations, respect religious differences, and has a proven track record of working across the aisle to get things done for our community.

Born in Europe and raised in several continents, I have a real appreciation for the opportunities I received here, which allowed me to go to graduate school, run a successful IT consulting business and climb the corporate ladder.

I have even appreciated paying my taxes, as I view taxes crucial to the running of our government, alongside the voting privileges I received, when becoming a US citizen in 2008.

I fear these opportunities, so fundamental to what it means to be an American, are being eroded. I see many of our rights and institutions under unnecessary GOP attack, and that the GOP lead House of Representatives is incompetent at passing critical laws.

It’s therefore even more crucial that we carefully choose who we elect to send to Congress, where the laws are made and ratified through debate and bi-partisanship and not through partisan armlocking by an ever-growing number of GOP puppets. Let’s not elect another Santos 2.0.

A case in point is the current bi-partisan Immigration bill that promises to quickly process those truly needing asylum and send back those individuals who do not.

After 35 years of inaction by Congress to fix our immigration system, we are now on the precipice of passing bipartisan, ground-breaking legislation that will secure our border, while also addressing critical needs in Israel and Ukraine.

However, this effort by congress is at risk of not passing – and Suozzi’s opponent is perfectly fine with it not passing. This is especially alarming as she seems to not have learned from her own experiences when she was airlifted out of Somalia to Israel.

A set of missions that were quickly shut down, leaving the majority of Ethiopian and Somali Jews behind. This glaring example shows that no matter what is at stake, she will tow the party line.

Having met, talked and debated with Tom Suozzi, I know he supports and respects our differences and will protect the rights of future generations.

His family’s immigrant story has made him especially sensitive to discrimination. His platform offers real solutions to solve both local and national issues, such as protecting our environment, supporting reproductive rights, instituting gun safety measures, reducing the cost of living through a variety of initiatives and being a strong voice for innovation and educational excellence.

I therefore invite you to join me in voting for Tom Suozzi, as someone who cares about our American Democracy, our children and their future. Polls are open – vote now or on election day Tuesday, Feb. 13.

Sabine Margolis

Great Neck

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