Readers Write: Voting for Haber right thing

Readers Write: Voting for Haber right thing

Very simply, Adam Haber is one of the most honest, trustworthy people I have ever met. 
He always does the right thing, because he cares about doing the right thing. And he always does what he says he will.
Adam has one of the finest work ethics around, and he makes himself accessible. 
Call, text or email him, and you’re likely to hear back within the hour. 
On top of this, he’s been knocking doors every evening, with double shifts on the weekends. 
Younger volunteers have a tough time keeping up with this 51-year-old candidate for state Senate.
 Adam is in politics because he has a deep seated desire to heal the world. 
He has seen how bad things can get under mismanagement and corruption, and he wants to use his financial talents and honest ethics to help all of us.
Adam Haber is the straightest arrow I have ever seen. 
Please join me this Election Day, Nov. 8, in electing Adam Haber to New York State Senate, District 7.
Tina Rothpearl

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