Temple Judea hosts conversation with ABC Radio news reporter

Temple Judea hosts conversation with ABC Radio news reporter

With the war in Ukraine on everyone’s minds, it was truly a privilege for the members of Temple Judea to hear first-hand about the battle there from an experienced news reporter for ABC Radio, Aaron Katersky, who recently returned from Ukraine.

Katersky has been an award-winning senior investigative reporter and correspondent news commentator, having worked in ABC News Radio in this capacity for almost 20years.

Katersky presented a remarkable description of the horrors of the Russian invasion of that country through a reporter’s eyes. Although observing it first-hand, he indicated that he could not be caught up in an emotional response to the horrific situation of mass destruction of property, and wounding and murder of innocent men, women and chlldren.

He explained that as a news commentator it was his responsibility to describe and report what he saw.

Although he described the damage, his reports were factual, leaving the emotional response to the readers and listeners. All are well–aware of the sights and sounds of this tragic massacre through daily exposure in all media.

The forum took place as a Zoom presentation. Rabbi Todd Chizner introduced Katersky and served as moderator, asking pertinent questions that were on the minds of everyone. A “Q & A” period followed in which the participants were able to ask additional questions.

Some of the questions were asked by teenagers who are students in Temple Judea’s hIgh school program who seemed to have a deep understanding of the war in Ukraine and asked significant and interesting questions.

The participants in this program were grateful for Katersky’s first-hand descriptions and wished him well in his future endeavors.

New members are always welcome at Temple Judea.
For more information, call (516) 621-8049; www.temple-judea.com;
333 Searingtown Road, Manhasset NY 11030 (off x36n on LIE)

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