Temple Judea hosts author of new book about the Mankiewicz brothers

Temple Judea hosts author of new book about the Mankiewicz brothers
Nick Davis. Photo provided by Temple Judea

At a recent event of the Temple Judea Lifelong Learning Committee, members were treated to an inside look at the lives of two of America’s most accomplished Hollywood writers and producers.

Introduced by Rabbi Todd Chizner, author Nick Davis discussed his new book, “Competing with Idiots”. It’s a fascinating biography of two famous Hollywood giants, Herman Mankiewicz and Herman’s brother, Joseph Mankiewicz.

What made it even more interesting and significant was the author is a blood relative of the Mankiewicz family. Herman Mankiewicz was the author’s grandfather, and Joe Mankiewicz was his great-uncle.

Much of the family lore came straight to the author from reminiscences of living family members, as well as old photos, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia that brought the history and fabulous accomplishments of the famous brothers to life.

The brothers were born into a family of intellectuals and scholars. Their father, Franz, a refugee from Germany, was very demanding of his sons, hardly ever acknowledging their intellectual gifts. indeed Franz once ridiculed Herman for “only “ getting 97 on an exam.” Where are the other three points?” he asked his son. And even when Herman and Joseph did meet the high standards his father set for them, Franz rarely praised them.

Despite the difficulties the brothers suffered growing up under their father’s harshness and lack of enthusiasm or praise, both brothers became highly successful in their Hollywood endeavors. Herman wrote or produced dozens of films, starting in 1926 until his death in1955.

Among his many films were Marx Brothers’ comedies, “Duck Soup,” “Monkey Business” and “Horse Feathers,” which showcased his enormous wit and sense of humor. He wrote more serious films including “The Wizard of Oz,” “The Pride of the Yankees” and “Citizen Kane,” which was nominated for an Academy Award,

Joseph, younger than Herman by eleven years, also found success in Hollywood. In all, he was the producer of over 20 films. Other films he wrote and directed.

In his career, he garnered four Oscars, winning two Oscars for “Letter to Three Wives” and earned the second pair of Oscars for writing and directing “All About Eve,” which also won Best Picture.,

Regarding the unusual and humorous title of the book, “Competing With Idiots”, it was a quote by Herman Mankiewicz in a telegram to Ben Hecht in 1926. Herman was encouraging Hecht to come out to Hollywood to work for Paramount Pictures; his words to Hecht were,” Millions are to be grabbed out here, and your only competition is idiots. Don’t let this get around.”

The book is highly entertaining. The author, Nick Davis was up to the task of describing the biography of his grandfather and great uncle, Herman and Joe Mankiewicz with humor and empathy. His admiration and pride for these two giants of the motion picture industry was evident.


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