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Chamber Players International March 25 Musical Cuisine Concert in Old Westbury, NY Celebrates Music of Franck and Dvorak

Chamber Players International will present the second event of its Spring 2018 Musical Cuisine series, on Sunday, March 25 at Old Westbury Gardens Red Ballroom, 71 Old Westbury Road in Old Westbury, NY, with the concert at 2:00 PM and a sit-down buffet immediately following in the Westbury House Atrium.

This program features Franck’s Sonata for Violin and Piano as well as Dvorak’s “Dumky” Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano. Performers will be violinist Bela Horvath, cellist Jia Kim and pianist Larry Wang, all members of Chamber Players International’s renowned core ensemble of international soloists.

In 1996, violinist Bela Horvath entered the Béla Bartók Conservatory in Budapest, Hungary, where he studied with Istvan Kertesz, the first violinist of the Festetics String Quartet. In 1998, Bela won the National Janos Koncz violin competition in Hungary. As a soloist and recitalist, he has played many concerts around the world, including the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, France, England, Slovakia, his native Hungary, the United States and Canada. Visit him at

Cellist Jia Kim, recently chosen as recipient of the prestigious 2017 Leonore Annenberg Fellowship Fund in its 10th and final year, began her cello studies at the age of ten in Korea, where she has won first place in the Korean Music Association Competition, the National Symphony Orchestra Competition of Korea and the Young Musician Foundation's National Debut Concerto Competition. Since then Ms. Kim has taken the stage in cities across the United States, South America, Europe and South Korea. Visit her at

Admission is $60 per person, including concert and sit-down buffet, with group rates available. For tickets, call 1-877-444-4488 or visit

Chamber Players International is a major regional performing arts organization presenting between 25 and 30 concert events serving the entire New York metropolitan area. Its artistic mission is to bring chamber music and chamber orchestra performances of the highest artistic quality to audiences throughout the area including world-renowned guest ensembles such as the International Chamber Orchestra of Rome, The World Youth Alliance Chamber Orchestra of the U.N. New York. Core ensemble members include violinists Emil Chudnovsky, Anastasia Khitruk, violists Mialtin Zhezha and Cong Wu, cellists Andrey Tchekmazov, Adrian Daurov and pianists Yoni Levyatov, Svetlana Smolina and Julia Zilberquit. Visit them online at

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