Noone seeks to continue serving Munsey Park for third term

Noone seeks to continue serving Munsey Park for third term
Munsey Park Trustee Jennifer Noone is seeking her third term on the village board. (Photo courtesy of Jennifer Noone)

Munsey Park Trustee Jennifer Noone is the lone incumbent in a heated Munsey Park election this month.

Noone, who was originally elected in 2014, has lived in Munsey Park for 11 years with her husband, Brian, and their five children, ranging from 12 years old to 3.

“As trustee, I have dedicated my time to spearheading various projects throughout the village, including the implementation of road resurfacing projects,” Noone said, including repaving Inness Place, Burnham Circle, Allston Circle and the intersection of Manhasset Woods Road and Bellows Lane.

Noone said she is also preparing for the Hawthorne Place and North Eakins Road paving project set for this spring.

While Noone said the road improvement is important for the village, she said she sees a more important goal of “returning civility and inclusiveness to Village Hall.”

“Many of our Board of Trustees meetings are attended by the same handful of former village officials who challenge every decision we make,” Noone said. “Whether it is renovating parks or planting trees or something else, the dialogue is often uncivil. Clearly, the board needs to do a better job of explaining what is happening and what is being considered and why certain decisions are being made. That’s a job for the board and for me.

“But the people who attend the meetings need to stop using words like ‘corrupt,’ ‘ethics violations’ and similar terms. Those are very destructive to civil discourse when those terms are addressed to people just trying to do what they believe to be in the best interests of Munsey Park.”

Noone said the current board, which will be losing Trustee John Lippmann, who has opted not to seek re-election, is a fiscally conservative group.

Noone said she has creatively used grants, state funds and donations to complete improvement projects, such as a larger road improvement project with the village’s $300,000 annual free cash flow after the $2.5 million bond from 2007 is retired in two years.

“We are not inclined to raise taxes and we have a plan to fund all village needs from cash flow based on current tax revenues,” Noone said. “It’s a challenge, and it’s compounded by the fact that many necessary repairs were ignored and neglected for decades. But we’re renovating our parks, replanting street trees and continuing a vigorous street repair program, and we’re doing it without raising taxes this year.”

Noone is running on the Residents for a Better Munsey Park ticket alongside attorney Anthony Sabino and incumbent village Justice John Turano.

Noone and Sabino are challenged by attorney Brian Dunning and attorney Nathy Yakaitis, who did not list a party on their filings.

Elections will be held from noon to 9 p.m. on March 20 at Village Hall at 1777 Northern Blvd.

“Neither my husband nor I grew up here, but we were fortunate to land here,” Noone said. “I want to give back to my community by serving its residents. They may not always agree with me, but hopefully they’ll agree that I am honest, hardworking and approaching every issue with an open mind. I hope to pass on a stronger Munsey Park to the next generation.”

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  1. I object to Trustee Noone stating that “Many of our meetings are attended by the same handful of former village officials who challenge every decision we make” and “the dialog is often uncivil”. I am one of those former village officials who Mayor DeMento singled out as part of “the peanut gallery” and refused to let me speak. Trustee Noone did not voice any objections to his rude and disrespectful treatment of a resident – one who has served the village for over 30 years. Newsday, the Manhasset Times and Press have consistently criticized the Munsey Park board for lack of civility – NOT the public.

  2. Calling Munsey Park Venezuela is not civil.
    Accusing the Board of crimes is not civil.
    Civility is a two-way street.

  3. Doug, I don’t know who you are but your comments are wholly inappropriate. I am asking the publisher to remove them from this thread.

  4. Brian, thank you for all you do, if it wasn’t for you, Internet trolls would just take this over this rinky-dink blog. Thank God you are here to save us.


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