9/11 will never be forgotten

9/11 will never be forgotten

As the anniversary of  9/11 approaches, memories of misery and evil tragedy when blood, sweat and tears entered our city. Many lives were lost on that day when evil did reign. Many lives laid broken and sorrow did flow. Many children cried when mommy and daddy died. A nation grieved asking why so many had to die. Our minds have drifted back to that day and time, 9/11 will be forever on our minds. Towers once so tall and noble, made our nation humbled. We will forever remember the firefighters, policemen and women, EMS workers to the Port Authority police, too. So many would live and remember the brave things they did. Our hearts were torn but our spirit did live for we saw what evil did. As the ancient Phoenix bird did burn and rise again so our spirit was born again. Our flag was raised from house to house and businesses all across America could be seen. I hope and pray that someday doves may rest on their perch and peace may someday come. Remember New York is rising proud and strong because evil doers did not win and we will be ready for whatever may come our way. For when we see something wrong we will say something.We have learned to be alert and know law enforcement can’t do it all protecting us from the terrorists. WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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