Readers Write: Greater care needed in scheduling to avoid religious holidays

Readers Write: Greater care needed in scheduling to avoid religious holidays

I am writing in reference to the July 24 article regarding the New Hyde Park Street Fair. I am grateful to NHP officials for listening to the voices of our community and changing the date of the street fair so that it no longer conflicts with Rosh Hashanah. However, it has been painful to me to witness the tenor of the conversation that has taken place with regard to this issue and, in particular, the disrespect shown to Donald Panetta, a Temple Tikvah member, when he brought up this issue and again in the July 24 article in your publication.  

I have been a resident of the greater New Hyde Park area for over 20 years.  One of the things I have always appreciated about this community is our diversity. As rabbi of Temple Tikvah, I have worked hard to build bridges between the various faith communities in our area, and I take pride in the spirit of respect and tolerance that we have built.

Rosh HaShanah begins the Jewish New Year; it and Yom Kippur frame the holiest period in the Jewish calendar.  Its importance to the Jewish faith is equal to Easter Sunday or Christmas Day to Christians or Eid to Muslims.  If we want to continue to live up to our values, we need to be more careful in scheduling public town events that respect the religious calendars of the various residents of our neighborhood.  A simple consultation of any secular calendar during the planning of an event, or a phone call to a local clergy leader would help prevent such mishaps in the future.  

I am grateful to Donald Panetta, and to the others who spoke up about this issue to bring about the change that has ensued.  May we all find the courage to speak out when we see something wrong and may we together continue to build the kind of community we aspire to be.  

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Temple Tikvah of New Hyde Park

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