Readers Write: Trump tax cuts, foreign policy boost U.S.

Readers Write: Trump tax cuts, foreign policy boost U.S.

Ken Grossman should focus some of his attention to very recent history and results under Trump.

I would initially refer him to CNN on January 30, 2018. “Many companies have cited the tax law as they announced bonuses, pay raises and sweeter 401Ks. Those benefits are putting money in workers’ pockets.” 

American Airlines spent $130 million. Many other companies such as Disney and ATT also gave workers millions of dollars.

Buying back their own stock and increasing shareholder dividends when many in the country own securities, is not a bad thing. Walmart raised its minimum wage to $11 an hour and gave employees a one time bonus of $1000, at a cost of $700 million.

Bank of America, Comcast, Fiat Chrysler, Fifth Third Bancorp, Jet Blue and Southwest Airlines are some of the numerous companies who have shared their tax benefits with millions of workers throughout the country.

McDonalds provides another excellent example of how the tax law has helped its workers. Nearly 400,000 workers would be eligible for tuition reimbursement in the amount of $2,500 and managers would receive $3,000 per year.

The never Trumpers believe that since corporate taxes were reduced, it could not possibly be beneficial to workers. As you can see, this idea is patently false.

After eight years of Obama’s strategic patience and his micromanaging of the war against Isis, it had a caliphate in the region.

Trump said he would destroy them in a year by giving field commanders operational decision-making power.

After one year, ISIS has been virtually decimated, just as Trump promised. Mr. Grossman thinks that destroying Isis has put the United States in a more vulnerable position, I heartily disagree.

 Regarding our embassy’s move to Jerusalem, Trump merely had the courage to keep a promise that Clinton, Bush and Obama did not possess.

Since he is a history buff, Mr. Grossman likely knows that Congress approved of this move many years ago. 

As for the Korean peninsula, I would like Mr. Grossman to tell the readers what eight years of Obama’s strategic patience and his leading from behind yielded. Do nothing diplomacy enabled North Korea to get to the point of possessing a deliverable nuclear bomb.

Eight years of Obama’s pacifism has put us at the mercy of the North Korean tyrant, which is not an enviable position.

Trump has at least given us a chance for a positive outcome. Perhaps Mr. Grossman can find a history book that says Obama’s North Korean policy made our country safer.

I wonder how Mr. Grossman knows that Trump is not interested in the slightest in addressing the problems of our country. Is he a mind reader? Has he ever even met or spoken to Trump?

I have heard Trump praise the FBI and CIA on numerous occasions.

Does Mr. Grossman not understand that a few corrupt senior officials like Comey, McCabe,  Strozk, Page and Orr can be severely criticized without blaming the thousands of field agents? 

McCabe was fired for lying to Congress and is likely to face criminal charges. For some reason, Grossman sees this criticism as attacking our valued institutions. 

Grossman feels that the Iran deal was handled “quite adeptly” by Obama. First, Obama executed this deal by himself without Congressional approval which he certainly knew he would not get.

If it was handled adeptly, maybe Grossman can explain why  members  of the JCPOA want to change it radically to include no ballistic missile  research, independent inspections of Iranian military installations (not merely taking their word on compliance), and no sunset clause which guarantees them a nuclear bomb in seven years as they continue to chant death to America and Israel 

Grossman needs to check on the definition of “handled adeptly.”

We got nothing. Iran got over $100 billion and will have a nuclear bomb if they simply comply with this misguided deal and have a little patience.

        Perhaps the history books Grossman wants to recommend do not make mention of the failure of appeasement as successful foreign policy. Does Grossman think 500,000 dead Syrians as a result of Obama’s invisible red line  was a desired outcome?

        I would refer Grossman to the 4/24/2015 NY Times news article “Cash Flowed To The Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium”.  It points out the corruption of our former Secretary of State and her husband who received $500,000 from Russia for a one hour speech.

        The lies from Obama about keeping your doctor and his false guarantee that Iran would never get a nuke were so much more harmful to the country than any of the falsehoods uttered by Trump.

While Grossman focuses on the historical perspective of FDR and Joe McCarthy, from decades ago, he seems to be blind as to what has happened in the last year and one half.

     – household income hits all-time high

     – Black and Hispanic unemployment at all time lows

     – very strong economy with many fewer people on food stamps

     – stock market up thousands of points

     – strong support for

 Israel at the UN (Haley vs. Samantha Power)

     – progress with North Korea

     – getting out of the misguided and ill-conceived Iran deal

     – number of people collecting food stamps reduced by 2 million

     – number of people collecting disability declined by 100,000 since 2017

     – welfare down 12 percent under Trump

     – Medicaid enrollment dropped by 1 million in 2017

     – Grossman should read the New York Times lead news article on June 2 extolling the jobs report blockbuster and unemployment not seen since the dot-com boom.

The Times says the surge in jobs is a study in consistency and gives many other accolades about what Trump has done. Read at your peril since it does not go along with the hate Trump narrative.

 Instead of focusing solely on Trump’s character flaws, Grossman should overcome his intellectual bankruptcy and recognize some of the good things that have happened under this president.

Grossman writes with sweeping generalizations and empty rhetoric.

It sounds as if he got his talking points from MSNBC. His many unsupported statements and vague references to history books show he is stuck in a time warp.

He ignores evidence that does not fit his anti-Trump narrative and he should know better.

Barry Nathanson,  Ph.D

Sands Point


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