Manhasset lacrosse represented at WSYL

Manhasset lacrosse represented at WSYL

The World Series of Youth Lacrosse was held this past week in Denver Colorado, with 24 teams across the country, including Canada and Israel vying for the Championship. Pictured with Jake Steinfeld, Founder of the WSYL, are the Manhasset boys who participated on 3 different teams.
(L-R) Jack Regan (Express), Brian Noone (S2S), Ryan Landolphi (Igloo), Aidan Haggerty (Igloo), Jack Peterson (S2S), Cal Girard (S2S/DNP), Blake Gately (Igloo), Jake Steinfeld (Founder WSYL), Brendan Reilly (S2S), Liam Connors (Igloo), Tommy Higgins (S2S), Matt Cargiulo (S2S), Connor Gately (Igloo), Jack Diskin (S2S), Theo Tsiamtiouris (S2S), Jack Lamarca (S2S/ Not Pictured).

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