Youth sports and COVID: Safety tips for parents

Youth sports and COVID: Safety tips for parents

Parents seeking after-school activities across North Hempstead are signing up their kids for soccer, basketball,football and a host of other youth sports. It’s a chance to ensure that children enjoy the chance to socialize, stay fit and learn a thing or two about becoming part of team.

And amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care is providing families with safety guidelines as low-risk youth sports return in New York.

Youth sports will look different this year. And while the new protocols call for social-distancing, mask-wearing and frequent hand-washing, Dr. Lynda Gerberg, Cohen Children’s Northwell Health-GoHealth Pediatric Urgent Care’s Lead Pediatrician, offers key ways to decrease risks while enjoying the benefits of youth sports.

“Children gain so much by participating in youth sports, including building self-esteem, developing social interactions and learning all about teamwork. And there are strategies to put in place right now to help protect the health of teammates, coaches and their families,” Gerberg said.

Gerberg’s safety tips include:

Staying home when not feeling well, to protect the health of all players, coaches and families, and confirming with your doctor or the health department as to when it is safe to return to the sport
Washing hands or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after games and after using any shared equipment
Agreeing that all players bring their own equipment whenever possible
Limiting physical closeness and always trying to keep 6 feet of distance between all participants when possible
Creating a new cheer to show team spirit, while still practicing social distancing
Establishing a no-spitting rule
Agreeing that all coaches, parents and other spectators must wear cloth face coverings
Setting a rule that all players wear face coverings when possible
Performing all skill-building and conditioning drills at home, to the extent possible, either alone or with parents/family members to minimize contact with others
Avoiding sharing towels, clothes or anything used to wipe faces
Agreeing that parents should not hand out snacks at games
Kids are eager to return to youth sports, enjoy the exercise and spend time with friends. Yet these activities won’t be the same amid the unprecedented coronavirus. Still, by adhering to safety precautions, families can enjoy the benefits of sports and fitness and lower the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19.

All Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care centers provide services to children who are six months and older. And with virtual visits, families can connect with a Cohen Children’s Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care pediatric provider from the comfort of their homes. Most Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care locations are open extended hours from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekends and are open all holidays – 365 days a year. For more information, visit

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