Readers Write: Elect Lancman to Great Neck Library board

Readers Write: Elect Lancman to Great Neck Library board

Rory Lancman is the right person to fill the currently vacant seat up for election on the Great Neck Library’s Board of Trustees, and I encourage my neighbors to vote for him this Oct 31.

We are all very proud of our library. It serves kids, parents, and seniors in a myriad of ways. We can take out a rich selection of books, read them on our Kindles, or listen to their audio version. There are book clubs, lectures, and movies. The Levels teen program gives kids an opportunity to express themselves creatively, and the STEM Lab teaches them technologies that make their futures even brighter. Our library and our schools are our crown jewels.

The library’s $10 million budget requires capable oversight and planning, and the programming the library offers needs to consider the needs of all our residents. The ability to read what we want, without censorship, must be preserved.

This means we need trustees with experience and common sense, and an ability to listen to all the different voices and concerns that make up our community.

Rory Lancman’s prior service in the state Legislature, the New York City Council, and with two governors, plus his years as a practicing lawyer, are testaments to his ability to serve us with distinction as a library board trustee.

Please vote on Oct. 31 for Rory Lancman on the library’s Board of Trustees.

Billy Warner


Village of Great Neck Estates

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