Lake Success Chabad debuts Cyber Seniors program

Lake Success Chabad debuts Cyber Seniors program
Teens involved in the Lake Success Chabad's Cyber Seniors program showed senior citizens at the Atria how to use new technology to do things like, as seen here, take a selfie. (Photo courtesy of Lake Success Chabad)

“This is incredible!” “Now I can see my grandkids.” “Shopping will be so much easier for me now.” “Please don’t leave, can you teach more?”

These were just some of the things the seniors said at Lake Success Chabad’s new Cyber Seniors program, where local teenagers were paired up with seniors of the Atria Senior Home to teach them how to use technology.

The teens taught the seniors how to write an email, search old emails, make a Facebook profile, Facetime the grandkids, take a selfie, and even to shop on!

It was also a great teaching opportunity for the teens, who demonstrated patience, teaching skills, and being a cheerleader for each accomplishment and skill mastered.

The teens and seniors said they are eager to continue the program next month.

For more information about Lake Success Chabad’s Cyber Seniors program or its many volunteer opportunities, please contact Rabbi Dovid or Chumy Ezagui at [email protected] or

Photos courtesy of Lake Success Chabad.

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