Kings Point holds on passive park, moves on cell nodes and laws

Kings Point holds on passive park, moves on cell nodes and laws
The Village of Kings Point approved a garbage collection contract and a proposal from ExteNet to install cell nodes on Thursday night, but held on awarding a contract to erect a passive park. (Photo by Janelle Clausen)

Kings Point trustees delayed awarding a contract to create a passive park on Thursday night but moved to approve a new refuse contract and a proposal to install 31 cell nodes in the village.

Kings Point Village Administrator Gomie Persaud said the village opened the bids for creating the passive park off East Shore Road on March 4, with HPC Landscaping being the lowest of two bidders for offering to do the project for $200,699.99.

The other bidder was ADM Landscaping Corp., which sought $272,648.85 to create the park.

But the matter was tabled and will most likely be approved at the next meeting on April 18, Persaud said. Stephen Limmer, the village attorney, said trustees held up on the matter so Kris Torkan, the newest Kings Point trustee, could review the project.

Asked about the potential timeline for the project, Limmer said it will likely be decided at the April meeting and that trustees hope to get it done before the end of the year.

Trustees did, however, approve a $786,900 refuse contract with Meadow Carting, a Westbury-based garbage collection company, for the fiscal year with an optional two-year extension, Persaud said.

This is a $19,150 increase from the previous contract, which was worth $767,650.

“It went up a little bit last year, not substantially,” Persaud said.

Meadow Carting was the lowest of three bidders, with two other bidders respectively offering $880,784 and $932,500 contracts, Persaud added.

In other village business, trustees approved a proposal from ExteNet Systems, which designs, owns and operates distributed networks, to install 31 small cell facilities throughout the village in an effort to improve cell service in the village.

Paired with this was the approval of a new village telecommunications law, which aims to accommodate these small facilities and be in compliance with Federal Communications Commission regulations.

The village also passed regulations on solar panels, defining them as accessory structures, limiting their size and stating that they cannot be within six feet of a property line or in a front yard, Limmer said.

The architectural review board can also permit them as long as they do not adversely impact neighbors.

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