D’Urso co-chairs hearing on Long Island Sound

D’Urso co-chairs hearing on Long Island Sound
Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso speaking at the press conference prior to the hearing.

State Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso, who sits on the on the state Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee and chairs the Assembly’s Long Island Sound Task Force, recently co-chaired a hearing, held here on Long Island, with the chair of the Environmental Conservation Committee Assemblyman Steve Englebright.

The purpose of the hearing was to get testimony about what the impacts would be to Long Island if the federal government authorized offshore drilling here for oil and gas.

“We are trying to stop the federal government from destroying our shores and coastline. I firmly believe that there will be many negative repercussions to life on Long Island as we know and love it if the off-shore drilling were to be allowed. That is one of the reasons that I was eager to hold this hearing. The other reason was the decision of the federal government to hold their hearing on this issue in Albany, rather than here on Long Island where those most likely to be directly affected live,” said D’Urso.

Hundreds of people representing environmental groups and local residents attended the hearing to show their opposition to the proposed drilling. They spoke about how the drilling could affect our economy, culture, tourism, sea life, ecology, fishing industry and many other issues.

The testimony presented and submitted on this proposal will be shared with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management before the public comment period ends on March 9.

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