Is Liposuction Worth the Hype?

Is Liposuction Worth the Hype?

You have hit the gym hard and tried all sorts of diet-even, almost starving yourself. Still, the fat lingers and won’t back down. Perhaps it’s time to consider liposuction.

This surgical procedure can be done at the doctor’s office, and you will most likely be allowed to go home the same day. What is even more appealing is that it can be done on most parts of the body where fat accumulates. This means belly, thighs, arms, under chin, etc.

But is it as good as it sounds? Here is what you need to know.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure used to extract fat from specific parts of the body using a suction technique. Fat can be suctioned from the abdomen, hips, buttocks, arms, neck, or thighs.

Liposuction contours these places as well, which is why the procedure is also known as body contouring.

This procedure works best for people of a good body weight who are looking to lessen their fat reserve in select sections of their bodies.

If you are overweight or obese, you are unlikely to get the desired results from body contouring. A better option would be bariatric procedures or a combination of diet and exercise.

Types of Liposuction

Different types of liposuction procedures work differently and come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Understanding these well is the key to choosing the best procedure for you. Here is a look at the different types of liposuction procedures.

1. Suction-Assisted Liposuction

This is the most popular type of liposuction. Here, your surgeon makes small incisions in the sections of your body to be suctioned.

A hollow needle is inserted in the incisions, and fat cells are then suctioned through the cannula.

Depending on the magnitude of the procedure, most patients take 1-3 months to recover fully, although you can resume regular duties in a couple of days.

It is important to note that the results will not be immediately apparent. Allow your body about six months for your body to take its new shape.

2. Tumescent Liposuction

This is very similar to suction-assisted liposuction, only that epinephrine and lidocaine are injected to make fat cells swell up which makes it easier for the surgeon to identify and extract them.

Lidocaine causes minor swelling in the cells, while epinephrine constricts blood vessels, which aids in curbing bleeding. Once the lidocaine is injected, the fat cells plump up. A cannula is then inserted so that these cells can be extracted.

It takes 3-6 months to see the final results of the liposuction. However, any resultant pain and swelling should be gone in a month. While this method lacks some of the technological advancements found in other liposuction methods, it results in minimal bruising and bleeding.

3. Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction

While ultrasound is a form of imaging, it can also be used in cosmetic procedures. This method is necessary when trying to suction areas with tougher fats. The back and male chests are examples of such areas.

While a number of patients will experience blistering and burns, the recovery time is roughly the same as that of a tumescent liposuction.

The ultrasound-guided liposuction’s primary advantage is that it can remove stubborn and fibrous fatty tissue in one attempt. Other methods would require several treatments. A second advantage is that it can eliminate larger pockets of fats safely.

4. Laser-Assisted Liposuction

This procedure is similar to the ultrasound-assisted liposuction, only that it uses a laser to break down fat.

Here, a surgeon inserts a laser probe through a suction cannula. Epinephrine and lidocaine are then injected to control bleeding and discomfort. Once the area is nicely numbed, the surgeon makes tiny cuts on your skin and inserts the laser lobe and cannula.

The laser breaks down fat into a liquefied oil that can be sucked out through the cannula. The body absorbs any liquefied fats that are not extracted.

There is an advancement of this, known as the VASER liposuction. While both use heat energy to remove fat cells, there are a number of differences between VASER liposuction and laser liposuction.

There You Have It

With this in mind, you will be better placed to pick the best liposuction method for your procedure in consultation with your cosmetologist. Be sure to discuss any concerns you might have with your chosen cosmetologist. This will ensure clarity and give you peace of mind.

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  1. I never tried Liposuction yet at the same time I was curious how it actually works or if it is worth the try. Specially I have fats that I want to get removed since I’m kind a insecure with.


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