Readers Write: Origins—Hydrogen Alpha Sun

Readers Write: Origins—Hydrogen Alpha Sun
Photo by Dr. James Haklar

Origins—Hydrogen Alpha Sun

When I was young and could no longer sleep,
Before the sun rose I climbed the little hill
In front of the house to watch the sky turn over
The starlit fields of dark, unlocking the greatest morning,
Like a doorway slowly opening.

The infinite routes I have traveled since
Come together here in the prominent sunlight,
How else can you find what is missing?

But let’s be clear, while I hope no shadows follow,
There is only one life, I repeat it tirelessly.

Stephen Cipot
Garden City Park
During a recent free moment, my colleague took a few hydrogen alpha pictures of the sun. Note the huge solar prominence that’s about 325,000 kilometers long! Dr. Haklar oriented the image to be consistent with the images published by the GONG (Global Oscillation Network Group) of the National Solar Observatory.

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